Geneviève's garden
A sloping garden tucked away beside a Lee Place wall, it has lacked TLC for years.
Not short of Cotswold stones, it has a sunny bank at the front and tall trees courtesy of Lee Place at the back. Experimentation is still in progress to see what will adapt well and in which parts of the garden. There are already pockets of shapes and colours with grasses, perennial geraniums, salvias, verbenas, many summery pots, and vegetables wherever they can find a home. The aim is to link all the pleasing pockets into a pleasing whole, with as many butterflies, birds and bees as possible (and, of course, frogs!).
Donate to Street Fair
Charlbury Open Gardens raises funds to support the Corner House and the War Memorial Hall. During lockdown they have been unable to raise any income and need your support more than ever. Please give generously.