Charlbury Garden Society

Perfect flower

9 people submitted photos of very beautiful flowers over the summer. This was a sharing category rather than a competition, and we can admire them all here.

SStrachan_Dahlia Café au Lait.jpg

From Susan Strachan: Dahlia Café au Lait (with a flower radius of 7 inches!)

DVincent1_Honka dahlia.jpg

From Dean Vincent: Honka Dahlia


From Dean Vincent: Fuchsia


From Dean Vincent: Sedum

WBaily1_Wisteria light and shade.jpg

From Wendy Baily: Wisteria in light and shade

ACooper1_Rose Falstaff.jpg

From Amanda Cooper: Rose Falstaff

ACooper2_Dahlia Obsidian.jpg

From Amanda Cooper: Dahlia Obsidian


From Amanda Cooper: Anemone


From Amanda Cooper: Poppy

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From Jean Adams: First rose

JAdams2_Rose Iceberg.jpg

From Jean Adams: Last of the Iceberg roses


From Jean Adams: Dahlia

JGoyder3_Shrub rose Buff Beauty.jpg

From Jess Goyder: Shrub Rose "Buff Beauty"

JGoyder2_Shrub rose Buff Beauty.jpg

From Jess Goyder: Shrub Rose "Buff Beauty"

JGoyder4_Shrub rose Felicia.jpg

From Jess Goyder: Shrub rose "Felicia"

JGoyder5_Shrub rose Felicia.jpg

From Jess Goyder: Shrub rose "Felicia"

CGoyder1_Rose Roald Dahl.jpg

From Catherine Goyder: David Austin rose "Roald Dahl"

CGoyder2_Pelargonium Clorinda.jpg

From Catherine Goyder: Pelargonium "Clorinda", inherited from Peter Bridgman